The pur­po­se of an essay is to con­vin­ce the rea­der of your point of view. It is possib­le to do this with the help of facts, pro­of and other evi­den­ce to pro­ve your argu­ments.The the­sis sta­te­ment is the most impor­tant sen­ten­ce in the intro­duc­ti­on, as it will form your argu­ment and guide the rest of your onli­ne essay wri­ting ser­vi­ce.Whi­le wri­ting your essay, ensu­re that you wri­te cle­ar­ly and suc­cinct man­ner. You should also avo­id com­pli­ca­ted and dif­fi­cult words sin­ce they will con­fu­se the reader.