
Acco­mod­a­tion for par­ti­cipants is provided by Agentúra KAMI, s. r. o.
On-line: filled acco­mod­a­tion form
E‑mail: kami@​agenturakami.​sk

In case of any ques­tion, please con­tact organ­iz­a­tion­al sec­ret­ari­at:
Agentúra KAMI, s. r. o.
Let­ná 82 /​ 75, 052 01 Spišská Nová Ves
Mgr. Tamara Lahet­ová
tel.: 0905/​ 886 084
e‑mail: kami@​agenturakami.​sk

Hotel Bratislava – Seberíniho 9

Price of acco­mod­a­tion with break­fast:
Stand­ard double room: 76 € /​ night
Stand­ard double room occu­pied by 1 per­son: 68 € /​ night


Start: Main Rail­way Sta­tion, Brat­is­lava
End: Hotel Brat­is­lava
Sug­ges­ted lines: Trol­ley – no. 71
More inform­a­tion can be found at https://​moovitapp​.com/​i​n​d​e​x​/​s​k​/​v​e​r​e​j​n​e​j​_​d​o​p​r​a​v​y​-​H​o​t​e​l​_​B​r​a​t​i​s​l​a​v​a​-​B​r​a​t​i​s​l​a​v​a​-​s​i​t​e​_​9​9​9​1​3​3​8​-​2​800


If you are interested in accommodation, contact